Guidance On Claiming Your Tax Refunds In The UK | Claim My Tax Back

Personal Savings Allowance

Personal Savings Allowance

What is the Personal Savings Allowance? The Personal Savings Allowance was introduced in April 2016. It offers the chance for...

by Jahaan .May 5, 2021
Uniform Tax Allowance Guide

Uniform Tax Allowance Guide

Uniforms, from specific outfits such as nurses or police officer’s uniforms to bar staff or waiters who are required to...

by Jahaan .May 4, 2021
Claiming Your Tax Rebate After Losing Your Job

Claiming Your Tax Rebate After Losing Your Job

    Have you recently been dismissed or made redundant? If so, you might be able to claim back some...

by Jahaan .July 2, 2020
PPI Tax Refund

PPI Tax Refund

If you have received a PPI pay-out since April 2016, tax may have been deducted. Since April 2016 non-taxpayers and...

by Jahaan .June 28, 2020
10 Reasons You Could Be Due A Tax Rebate

10 Reasons You Could Be Due A Tax Rebate

    Uniform workers According to national statistics, 2 in 3 people who wear a uniform for work can claim...

by Jahaan .May 26, 2020
Work Mileage Allowance

Work Mileage Allowance

You can claim for Work Mileage Tax Allowance on the vehicles you use for work. This includes cars, vans, motorcycles...

by Jahaan .May 5, 2020